
How to Choose a Spanish Teacher

how to choose a Spanish teacher
Learning Spanish Online

How to Choose a Spanish Teacher

Learning a second (or third, fourth, etc.) language as an adult has a unique benefit. Namely, you can actually select how you want to learn and choose your teacher. Wondering how to choose a Spanish teacher for online classes? Here are a few tips:

Friendly Personality

Not all teachers are sweet and kind and now that you’re not in grade-school, there’s no reason to stick with someone who doesn’t make you smile. You’ll find it far easier to learn from someone with a personality that meshes with yours. And this is a great reason to take a free trial lesson . . . to find out if your teacher is as nice as they look in the photo.


While new teachers may be good at teaching Spanish, there’s nothing better than years of experience. A properly experienced teacher will know exactly what struggles you’re facing long before you fully understand them. They’ll also be able to adjust the lessons to best fit your learning style. Look for someone with at least 3-5 years of experience under their belt, but the more, the better.


Life is tough and sometimes it gets in the way of our learning plans. A good teacher will understand that and will help you out by suggesting another time to learn. Just make sure you give plenty of warning so they can schedule another student for your time slot, if need be.


Believe it or not, the way your teacher speaks Spanish will have a major effect on how YOU speak Spanish. Spain Spanish is often considered to be the best, but if you’re planning on actually using it outside of Spain, you’re probably better off learning from someone in Central or South America. Guatemala, Mexico, and Costa Rica are all highly regarded for their accents and methods of speaking, so a teacher from one of these areas is your best bet.


If you just want conversational classes, the curriculum won’t matter. However, if you want to really learn the language and get down to the nitty gritty of grammar, then having a lesson plan to work with is essential. The best Spanish teachers will provide you with curriculum, but you should make sure it’s a good one. Something the teacher has developed and put many months of work into is a good option, or they may use a qualified program.


Obviously, if you’re hoping to learn face-to-face, you’ll need to be near the teacher. This means finding someone in your own area or traveling to a new place to take Spanish classes. The actual location will affect who you choose.

If you plan to learn online (very popular these days), then you have even more options. An online Spanish teacher can teach you from anywhere in the world! That means you can also have lessons at the hour you want and even while you’re in your PJs, if you like. There are lots of amazing people who are willing to teach via Zoom or Skype so you can learn in the comfort of your own home.


Truthfully, good teachers don’t come cheap. If you want to pay $2 an hour for a Spanish class, you’re just not going to get the quality that you want. Highly qualified and experienced Spanish teachers charge higher amounts for their work. They’ve put a lot of time into educating themselves and developing skills that they’ll use to help you learn faster, so it’s usually worth paying a decent price for them. Still curious if it’s too high? Look at ballet or horse-riding lessons in your area and you’ll see that language lessons are quite inexpensive!

Choosing a Spanish teacher doesn’t have to be difficult. You can tell fairly quickly if you dislike someone or if their style is just not a good fit for your learning style. However, you know now what to consider when making your decision.

Ready to start your online Spanish classes? Book your free trial lesson today!


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